What Benefits Do Music Lessons Provide to My Child?

Has your child been begging you to sign him or her up for voice, piano, or guitar lessons, or maybe even another instrument, like the drums or the ukulele? If the time or money commitment is holding you back from signing up for lessons, check out these valuable benefits that children experience when they become involved in music! Builds language skills As children learn to sing or play their instrument, they begin to noticedifferent sounds that they might not have noticed or recognized before beginning to studymusic. This new awareness of sounds translates into the world of language and phonetics aswell. Their ears begin to pick up on the subtle sounds and nuances of the various languagesspoken around the world. Stronger academically Researchers have found a strong connection between music lessons andstrong academic achievement. Those who study music tend to have higher GPA’s in school andhigher SAT/ACT scores, along with more advanced reading comprehension and math skills. It isalso known that using music itself in classrooms allows for better recall in even the mostadvanced subjects. Increases their IQ Over the years, many studies (see example of one done in 2004 by E. GlennSchellenberg) have shown that a child’s IQ increases after simply a few weeks of music lessons.Scientists have used brain scan technology to reveal that following musical training, brain activityincreases, and at times, parts of the brain even grow bigger. Teaches them discipline While children might expect to instantly become a viral sensation assoon as they begin music lessons, they will quickly learn how much time must be put intomastering their craft. Before they can even play a sound, they may have to spend hours of timejust learning the proper way to hold their violin or guitar. Taking musical lessons require hours ofdedication, concentration, and patience. Thus, even when the new song or key seems hard, thechild must persevere. This is an invaluable skill to be learned for every area of life. Supports muscle development and motor […]